Longingly Wait
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ
(Philippians 3:20, NKJV)
When we are looking forward to something good, there is a sense of excitement in our hearts. Adults learn with time to hide the excitement and even play it down, but it is not so with children. The innocence of children helps them live in the moment better than grown ups are able to do. When a child has been promised a trip or even just a walk to the candy shop, their anticipation is palpable. It is the same case when a child is expecting the return of a parent who has been away. The child keeps looking outside and listens to every sound going on in the direction of the path where the parent or visitor is likely to come from. The expectancy expressed is intense as everything seems to revolve around the fulfillment of the parent’s arrival and when it is fulfilled, the energy in activities undertaken by the child to show their joy is heartwarming, even to the onlooker. It all demonstrates a longing and keenness in the waiting.
Our reference verse reminds that we have a place we are going to. While our physical bodies are living here on earth, our destination and citizenship is in heaven, hallelujah. Thinking of the beauty of heaven and the joy of living with our Saviour in eternity, calls us to a yearning to get there, Paul in writing refers to our posture as eagerly waiting. Beloved, we at times get so busy with what surrounds us that the majestic arrival to our destination seems to take a back seat, may it not be so with us. Jesus our Lord said that He was going to prepare a place for us (John 14:3) and once the place is ready, He will come back for us. Brethren, we are not just here, our Lord is preparing our place of rest, so that we are with Him where He is also. It is fundamental that we live as people with a revelation of our heavenly place, where we will live with the King for ever and ever. This awakening in our spirits will help us live with anticipation for the coming of our Lord and Saviour. It is not known to us when the actual day and time of Christ’s coming will be, what we have been given are signs of the times and a lot of what we are living in reflects these signs. What are we then to do given that we do not know when it will be? Jesus Himself told us that only the Father knows the day (Matthew 24:36). Our part beloved, is to live ready for the return of our Lord any time (Matthew 24:44). We are to live as people prepared for a higher place where our citizenship is.
Brethren, the bible gives us instructions on right living according to the will of God, it has been said to be God’s love letter to us. Prophet Micah captures a summary of what the Lord requires of us, that we live justly, loving and have mercy on others and to our God, walk humbly (Micah 6:8). Our God is just in all His way, His kingdom is founded on justice and righteousness (Psalm 89:14), it is no wonder then that there is a call for just living. Love and mercy are attributes of God and so when we take them on, we are being like God Himself. Living humbly before God comes in our accepting of who God is, eternal Father and creator of all, while we are His creation and children.. Beloved, when we live according to His precepts then we will have the joy of looking forward to His return and to our home in heaven. . Eliza E. Hewitt wrote a beautiful song encouraging us to sing our way to heaven, our home - “Sing the wondrous love of Jesus”. May our confidence and excitement come from a posture of being aligned with God’s will for each one of us.
What is your revelation of Christ’s return?
How prepared are you for His coming back?
Are you eagerly waiting for His return?