God Alone
The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the peoples see His glory.
(Psalm 97:6, NKJV)
There are times when an idea or an activity seems to take over our emotions and thoughts, so that we are stuck in a moment. If the reason for this moment is negative or sad, it becomes overwhelming and defeating of our will, taking away our hope. Such moments require a lot of inner resolve to rise above but thankfully, when we eventually step out of the experience our strength is restored. Conversely, if the reason is good, the experience is so exciting that we do not want to leave. It fills our senses and all of our being with a desire to dwell in the moment and the thought of stepping out is not welcome. These are the moments that feed our souls for the next step ahead. I am thankful that these extremes are not very often and this allows us to live in a somewhat ‘normal’ space.
In my reflections of some of these moments which have left a mark in my soul, I realized that taking time to admire and acknowledge nature has a way of bringing conviction in our hearts and minds, that there is surely a great power at work. Visiting Niagara Falls, watching the power of the waters running down the waterfall and then noticing the strands of grass which bend to the water waves and rise up again, filled my heart with a sense of awe and wonder – all I could say was ‘majesty”. It was a moment of watching power and weakness working side by side, and acknowledging the hand of God who created and allowed both to stay together. David had many moments when his heart welled up at the greatness and majesty of God. In our reference verse, he declares that the heavens above manifest the righteousness of God and man has no choice but to acknowledge His glory. This is a phenomena that we are blessed to watch over and over again. Unfortunately, we at times take it for granted yet if we did take it in, it would encourage our hearts as we acknowledge the mighty power of our God. In some preceding verses, he notes that lightnings light the world, the earth trembles and even the strong mountains that we see tremble in His presence (Psalm 97:4-5). Beloved, what a mighty God we serve who makes that which we see as immovable tremble. When Jesus calmed the seas, the men wondered what manner of man He was so that the waves obeyed Him (Matthew 8:27). The man that others could not figure out happens to be the God that we worship and who calls us His own. Brethren, ours is to acknowledge His greatness, power, might and arise to worship Him for He alone is God.
The recognition of His sovereignty is a running theme throughout the bible. We see in the days of old as Moses and the children of Israel celebrated the triumph of their God asking who is like God among the gods. They declare there is none like Him who is glorious in holiness, fearful in praises and doing wonders (Exodus 15:11). God had demonstrated His might and strength, setting Himself apart from all other man-made gods and apart from the intelligence of man. It is no wonder that we cannot fathom the might of His power or His ways. He has established Himself as God and no matter how much anyone would try, none can take His exalted place. One great gospel singer of our days, Nathaniel Bassey, composed the song, “You Are God”. Nathaniel raises his voice to remind us that God is from the beginning to the end and there is no room for any argument as to who is God – He is God all by Himself. No matter what is happening in our lives, may our hearts finds comfort in the knowledge and acknowledgement that our God is supreme and there is none other like Him, Amen.
What are your reflections of God?
How does your view of God influence your life?
Are there areas you have limited God?