Yet, I rejoice
… Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
(Habakkuk 3:18, NKJV)
Our lives are made of different seasons, some great mountain experiences of joy and others, valleys of pain and sorrow. Given a choice, most of us would like to live in the highs of life where everything seems to be working out well for us. Young people will openly say that they want to be in continuous holiday season where they have few responsibilities and have time to party with friends. These are wonderful energizing seasons of our lives but the truth is that just like there is day and night, there are also times when things do not seem to go our way. Solomon the wisest man that ever lived, wrote that there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11). Everything in life has an opposite state and so just as we go through the beautiful seasons of life, we also have to go through the dark times too. Reflecting on these opposing situations we find ourselves in, I am tempted to say that despite the inconvenience we experience, the low moments of our lives highlight the magnificence of the highs that eventually come. It is after coming through a tough time that we can look back and appreciate the relief of the victory we enjoy, very much like climbing a mountain. The climb could be torturous but the view at the top is often said to be worth it.
Our reference verse by Prophet Habakkuk comes in the middle of verses that speak of lack. The prophet writes that though the fruits fail to blossom and the expected yields are not there, though there be no herds in the stalls, he still chooses to rejoice in the Lord. Prophet Habakkuk presents to us a season of lack, where the expectations of food and economic lives has failed and people are looking at a bleak day ahead. It is in this scenario that he says, yet he will rejoice in the Lord, finding joy in the God of his salvation. This verse calls us to understand that our joy and rejoicing will not come from the physical state of things but from the intrinsic faith in God, who is our salvation. If allowed, situations of life could dictate our moods, emotions and actions in different ways so much so that our lives would continually look like we are on a roller coaster, moved by the whims of the moments. However, beloved, whatever could be happening around us, we can and must find our anchor in the Lord, He lives in us and He never changes. Jesus knowing that life will throw us curve balls, He prayed for us that the Father would keep us (John 17:6-26). He also went ahead and gave us an assurance of His presence with us to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20), He is with us.
Brethren, times might be hard and it is true there are moments we feel helpless, but with the little strength left, let us reach out to God for His help. We read of Job who despite being a righteous man, suffered great loss with even those closest deserting him, yet Job still gives us a strong word to hold on to, that our redeemer lives (Job 19:25-27). Job did not deny the pain that he experienced including his body wasting, but he affirmed his faith in God despite it all. He stood in the confidence of an eternal hope where he will see God. It is not an easy thing to say when going through issues, but it is the right position to take, that our faith will not fail us for our God will neither slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121:4), He is continually watching over us. In the struggles and painful experiences that we might go through, may we hold on to the anchor that never fails, our Father knows we are still on earth and He will lift us through the seasons of life. May we still rejoice in His goodness to us.
What season are you currently in?
How has God held you through tough times?
How has this impacted your walk of faith?