
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

(Matthew 5:9, NKJV)

We live in times of conflict from all angles including in our family settings.  Unfortunately, conflicts are also experienced at a personal level when our desires pull in different directions, leaving us unsettled about an issue.  While conflicts could help us understand another person’s view, often they lead to bitter disagreements and at times even fights.  If not handled with open hearts, conflicts lead to broken relationships and bitterness of heart throughout an individuals’ lives.  At times,  conflicts rise to the level of wars and fights leaving many wounded, homeless and others dead.  The devastation that comes from conflicts is always regrettable.  Peace seems to be so evasive that we need to be reminded to seek it out. 

Our Saviour and Lord Jesus, who is the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6) calls us to be peacemakers in the world that we are living in.  Our reference verse underscores the blessing of being peacemakers in a world where deliberate efforts need to be made to be peaceful.  Beloved, it is possible for one to be at peace in their own sphere and be content with that yet the Word of God implores us to pursue peace with all men (Hebrews 12:14) not just by ourselves but also with others.  That is what we are being invited to do, to follow peace with others as much as it is in our ability to do (Romans 12:18) be known as peacemakers even when it is not the easiest thing to do.  When there are conflicts in countries, the United Nations sends emissaries of peace, individuals appointed to panels and teams to lead peace processes for the affected locations.   The mandate of those individuals is limited to the specific issue that has caused the conflict.  However, for you and I my beloved, our calling to be peacemakers comes from a higher authority, the Lord Himself and is not limited to a single issue but requires that we consciously commit to a life style of making peace wherever we find ourselves in. 

The blessing of being peacemakers as given in the beatitudes of Jesus shows us how important it is to God that we pursue and make peace.  The verse says, that peacemakers will be called sons of God.  Beloved, being called a son of God is not to be ignored, it is a position of power.  It means that we have our Father’s DNA, therefore sons, and the confirmation of our belonging is manifested in how we live in peace and help others make peace. The environment we are in could be charged with conflict but we can always speak the peace of God, invite others to make peace instead of war and in so doing bring the Kingdom of our Father in our areas of influence.  It is a call for deliberate positioning, coming from the understanding of who we are in God and an assurance of His promises as we obey.  We are not to pretend to be peaceful but are to truly live as sons of God who carry the peace of God wherever we go.  Brethren, whether in conflicts small or big, choose to be a peacemaker for you are a son of God,  Be the person who meets the purpose of his Father, as you get involved in the Father’s business of speaking peace in disturbed spaces.  May we take our identity in Christ and live in the knowledge of who we have become in God – the sons of God.


What is your understanding of who you are in God?

How are you functioning as a son of God?

In what ways have others experienced you as a son of God?


Yet, I rejoice


Mountain Taking