Words, Words, Words

Even so, the tongue is a little member and boasts great things….

With it, we bless our God and Father, and with it, we curse men who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. James 2:5, 9 -10 (NKJV)

Brethren, today I have found myself challenged concerning the use of the tongue, which shows up in different aspects of our daily lives. The book of James reminds us that the tongue, small as it is, is a fire and a world of iniquity (vs 6). It has the potential to light a fire that causes extensive damage in the physical world, and from history books, we learn that world wars were started by statements issued by individuals. We could rightly say that the wars were started by the tongue and the results of those utterances were fatal in many ways. This continues even today, and words spoken have destroyed nations, families, relationships and individuals. I am particularly drawn to the emotional scars that are left by the words that we utter, where individuals are left broken, destroyed and abused. Psychologists tell us that emotional abuse is often deeper than physical abuse as there are no outer scars seen, and therefore, the effect grows deep in the darkness of the victim’s heart. Words are the most common source of this abuse (emotional abuse).

I find myself guilty of using my tongue to complain instead of blessing the Lord with what He has already done. Like the children of Israel, there is a greater company in complaining than in silence or clear worshipping and praising God. Let us be reminded that God takes complaining seriously (Numbers 14: 26 -35). The children of Israel who complained to God through Moses did not enter the promised land. God also punished them with rejection, a year of wilderness (40 years) for each day of complaint (34). Thank God for His mercies that even when we use our tongues to complain, He does not punish us as we deserve. Could it, however, be possible that we have failed to receive some of our blessings because we used our tongues inappropriately? Proverbs 18:21 states that the power of death and life is in the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

James reminds us that our tongues boast of what they cannot even do. We use our tongues both to bless the Lord and to curse His people. How can the same vessel yield sweetness and bitterness at the same time (Vs 11- 12)? We have been socialized to be culturally, politically and socially correct, which means that at times we tend to say what we do not mean. In fitting in with others, we end up saying words which should not come out of our mouths and fail to say what we should rightly say. We cannot be laughing at dirty jokes and expect to carry the authority to correct others when they say things we do not agree with. As believers, we are being called to a higher order, where our tongues produce a language that is pure and pleasing to God. It starts with our hearts, for it is from the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). The bible has a lot to say about our words, and Ephesians 4:29 gives a quick summary: “ Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers”.


I am convicted by this understanding, and I pray that the Lord will help me to tame my tongue for His glory. I cannot do it on my own. It is a change that is timely. I invite you to reflect and confess where necessary. Our God is faithful and just to meet us where we are.

- How are you using your tongue and the gift of speech?

- What has come your way as a result of your words?

- What words do you regret ever speaking?

- Are there people and situations that have been destroyed by your words

- What is your mouth speaking from your heart?

Share your thoughts on this.


Loved by LOVE for love’s sake


Lifting Each Other Up