Loved by LOVE for love’s sake
……Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, with lovingkindness I have drawn you. (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV)
The above verse has often become a sheltering and encouraging word from the Lord. It grounds us to know that God does not just watch us from a distance but connects with us with a longing to get us close to Him. Verses 1 and 2 before, refer to a people who were in mourning, living in the wilderness after surviving the sword, yet we are told they found favour and rest. It follows in verse 4 with a promise of being rebuilt so that there is joy and dancing. It is in the middle of this scenario that we find this reassuring verse of God securing His people in His unending love.
As I have meditated on the scenario and the verse, I have reached the conclusion that the operative word here is LOVE, His love. God reaches out to us in Love, He is Love and in keeping with His character, He draws us lovingly and with kindness unto Himself. When I think of how great God is, the creator of the universe, the great I am, the one who is self-existent and dwelling beyond the confines of time, I then wonder what a love so great means. In our world today, the word ‘love’ has been used loosely; we love cars, we love our jobs, we love family, we love spouses and partners. Is God’s love in any way comparable to human love or are we comparing apples and oranges? From my observation, there is a stark difference between the two: human love can turn to hate or dislike, it can fade or increase in intensity depending on different factors, but God’s love is eternal, He clearly tells us it is an everlasting love and nothing can change it. Regardless of the circumstances, His love leads to only one direction: to draw us to Himself.
I do not know about you, but I am struggling to comprehend this love, a love that calls me wanted and accepted, a love that desires to give me of Himself, the great almighty God, a love that wants to fulfill my need for favour and rest. It is a giving love, not one that takes from me but gives and gives. God, out of His love, gave the greatest gift to us, the gift of His Son Jesus Christ, who died to take away our sins. In His death, He exchanged my sins for His glory, making me the righteousness of God. Jesus not knowing any sin, became my sin offering and in exchange, I became righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). He gave His whole life that I might live (John 3:16).
God draws us to Himself for our own good. By receiving His love and living in His will, we obtain abundant life here on earth (Romans 10:10) and we have hope for eternal life with Him (John 6:40). We also get to know the everlasting love of God which does not end with our lives on earth but lives on forever, for it is everlasting. It is a love so strong yet so gentle.
- Have you known this love?
- What are your thoughts of God’s love towards you?
- Have you responded to this love as you should?