
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

(Matthew 6:21, NKJV)

The word “desire” is rarely explained though it lies deep within our very being.  Dictionaries explain the word as a strong feeling expressed in a wanting to either do something or get something.  The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia refers to desire as a verb which in scripture means to long for,  ask or demand for something.  In both definitions, we note the reference to getting something whether good or bad.  Desire as the strong feeling sitting within us is powerful enough to move us into action so that we commit our efforts and resources to the achievement of that thing that we desire.  This understanding helps us to appreciate our desires as the motivation for everything that we do.  Whether we are able to explain it or not, our actions emanate from our need to actualize our desires which are deep in our hearts and so we act them out. 

Brethren, our reference verse calls us to reflect on what we count as our treasure for that is what determines what our hearts focus on.  Our desires and our treasures are related, whether we are seeking to protect that which we value or are trying to achieve that which we consider dear.  God in creating us, gave us feelings and so it is right to accept that He is concerned about the desires of our hearts.  However, like everything else, God has given us an opportunity to decide how we use our desires, He has given us freewill for us to make the choice.  We therefore have the power to identify and decide to choose good and evil desires.  We see Paul making reference to the struggle that we all experience as our spirit seeks to delight in God while our minds and bodies pursue evil desires.  He refers to himself as a wretched man in need of rescue (Romans 4:22-24).  The battle is from our human desires, our bodies and souls which war against the spirit.  It is however God’s will that we move and live in His ways and that we should desire and delight in Him more than anything else.  He asks us to commit our ways to Him and when we do, He promises to satisfy our desires (Psalm 37:5).  It is a comforting thought that God delights in satisfying us when we commit our ways to Him.

Beloved, this is a heart issue and no wonder the Psalmist prayed that God would create in him a clean heart and a renewed spirit so that as to experience the joy of salvation (Psalm 51:10-12). It is possible that we are lacking in joy because our hearts’ desires are not aligned to God’s will. Apostle Paul expressed the greatest desire of all time – knowing God and the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10-12).  This is a desire which focused on eternity, not just the present time, it is a treasure hunt for where our hearts should be found.  Paul’s revelation of what really matters and what we should always seek to achieve is worth consideration, it takes us full circle to our reference verse and the call to lay up our treasures in heaven where it cannot be corrupted (Matthew 6:19-21).  The right desire of our hearts according to God is focused on Him.  Cece Winans sung a beautiful song, “A heart like yours”, and she says that is what she is searching for.  Beloved, won’t this be our prayer too? Seeking God’s heart - that we could have a heart that desires God and His ways.  When we do, then we will have a new perspective concerning what we choose to focus on, for again Apostle Paul says that while all things are lawful, not all things are profitable (1 Corinthians 6:12). God’s heart will give us the clarity to desire and pursue that which is helpful and fitting into the will of God for us.


What is the current desire of your heart?

How have your desires directed your life?

Is there a desire that you need to seek God’s will about?



