Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.
(Proverbs 4:25 NKJV)
Our eyes determine where we go, we look towards the direction of our expected destination. Rarely do people move unless they have an idea of where they are going to and upon embarking on the journey, the steps are guided by what the individual sees. This movement could be walking, driving, flying, swimming - it is a forward action regardless of the mode of movement. The birds on the other hand are known for flying and when they gain speed rising high up seeming rule the skies, we say they are soaring. The mention of soaring in common language suggests that the subject of movement is commanding the skies without struggle. Apart from referring to soaring only in relation to flying birds, we metaphorically use the word soaring to suggest that an individual moves in power and prowess in whatever he is doing. This brings the understanding that one is experiencing new and great adventure with ease. There is a sense of excelling in whatever adventure. The perceived state of soaring is admired by those who are watching and are desirous of having a similar experience. My personal sense is that there is a display of admirable advantage by those that soar, and that leaves others with a desire to do the same. In the Birds’ kingdom, flying differentiates birds which take to the skies from those others which cannot fly, for example domestic chickens.
Soaring whether in the skies or in our lives requires that we have our eyes, physical and internal focused on a goal that we want to achieve. Birds do not soar looking down, they look up. In the same way, for individuals pursuing progress above and beyond where they are, there is a need to have a higher goal to focus on. Our reference verse reminds us to look straight ahead with focus to the end goal that we are seeking. We cannot make progress when we lose focus and are derailed and held down by mundane matters around us leaving us exhausted and with no energy to move forward. On a personal level, I have found that it is possible to be busy to exhaustion, without achieving satisfactory results as deep inside I have a desire to reach out for more. I wonder if this is something that resonates with you. For you and I to achieve that which takes us forward, we then have to lift up our eyes to our goal, just as a bird will not soar if it keeps its head looking down. Remaining focused on the goal is what leads us to establishment (Proverbs 4:25-26). The bible reminds us that if we start something and then turn back, we will not get the results we expect. Luke stated that he who puts his hand on a plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). This powerfully buttresses our message on focus.
Brethren, even as we set goals and pursue them, we have a higher goal and calling that demands our full focus, fixing our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:1-2). The word calls us to give full attention to our race of faith. We are encouraged to lay aside issues which entangle us so that we can seek the perfection of our faith in Jesus Christ, our high priest (Hebrews 3:1). It is the desire of our Father that we soar, excel in all aspects of our lives, both in the natural and in our spiritual lives. We achieve this by being focused and being committed to the goals we seek. Brethren, may we purpose to glorify our Father as we soar with excellence in all that we do.
How clear is the goal you are seeking to reach?
Is there any goal you have abandoned and need to go back to?
What results have you achieved by remaining focused?
How do you pursue excellence?