Inner Peace
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:7, NKJV)
Peace is becoming an elusive word in our vocabulary. With all what is happening around us in our localities, internationally and in our personal lives, one is hard pressed to speak of peace in the midst of it all. Yet, in the happenings of life, the one thing that our hearts seek out for is peace, there is strength and comfort when there is peace. In our quest for peace, we go to great lengths to identify people and situations which we perceive as giving us peace, while as much as is in our power, we avoid those individuals and circumstances which steal our peace. Most of us will be heard saying that they will not compromise their peace, which at times is at a cost.
Our reference verse is often quoted and encourages our hearts to know that God gives His peace, a peace which is different from what man gives or knows. This begs the question on the kind of peace that Jesus was referring to. We read in the bible, of Jesus rebuking the wind and commanding the sea to be still (Mark 4:39). Jesus’ words were simple “Peace be still” and it is recorded that upon saying those words, the wind ceased and the sea was calm. This astonished all who witnessed it as they wondered what kind of power Jesus had so that even the elements obeyed Him. The words of Jesus were directed to the external circumstances that the disciples were facing as they navigated their boat, yet even as the elements obeyed, the disciples were left in fear of the power witnessed. This tells me that it is possible for peace to exist externally but be missing in our hearts. The elements were peaceful but the hearts of the disciples were left questioning what they had just witnessed.
Beloved, the peace that God wants to give us is all round, both external and internal in our hearts and lives. I dare say that most times what we are seeking is peace within us, peace on the inside. God can give us peace on the outside but we can only recognize it if we are at peace in our hearts. This internal peace is realized when our hearts are in tune with God, it all starts with our hearts’ condition in relation to God. Internal peace means that we are in harmony with God and that our hearts and minds are in tandem, we have no conflict within ourselves. The peace in our hearts is God’s seal of His presence in our lives despite the circumstances on the outside. I am persuaded that one could be in difficult situations, yet have peace in his heart, the kind of peace that only God gives. God’s peace is found not in the absence of the storms of life, but in spite of the storms. The bible does not negate the presence of storms in our lives, but gives us the confidence of God’s peace in the storms. (Isaiah 43:1-2) comes to mind that though we walk through the waters and through the rivers, we will not fear for the Lord will be with us. His presence with us through these situations is our anchor of peace. Brethren, we are not operate as if we do not have concerns, but we are to bring our requests and supplications to God and He promises to give us His peace to guard our hearts (Philippians 4:6-7). Things may not turn out as we had expected but in it all we can hold on to His promise of peace. (Isaiah 54:10) reminds us that though mountains and hills could be removed, God’s kindness to His people and His covenant of peace will never be removed. That is a sure word from our loving and never failing Father, the confirmation of His covenant of His Peace. We can then rest in stillness, just knowing that He alone is God and He has given us a covenant of His peace. Brethren, let us soak in that promise and allow His peace to renew our hearts even as we watch the circumstances in our lives take shape. Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).
Where is YOUR peace?
How has God given you peace in the storms?
Does your internal peace impact your circumstances?