Whose Willl

For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

(John 6:38, NKJV)

Each day and almost every moment, we are faced with opportunities to make choices, some are minor for example: what time to wake up, what shoe to wear, what food to eat from a restaurant menu.  I acknowledge that these are not always easy choices to make, not to mention the more complicated decisions that we make, for example, where to live, which jobs to pursue, which faith to follow.  Regardless of the choice we are faced with and the decisions we make, it is true that taking one choice is a denial of another.  Think of being at a crossroad and wondering which way to go, taking the path on the left means a ‘no’ to the opposite path on the right.  This is the power of the choices and decisions that we make.  The question we need to ask ourselves is what influences our choices?  It is possible for one to go by what feels right, what is easiest, what is popular, what is most profitable for the moment etc. Often times, it is the outcome of our actions which communicates the choice we made, right or wrong and so the common saying that “choices have consequences”.  Beloved, regardless of the reason for the choice, it is important that we acknowledge even if just to ourselves at an individual level, the considerations we made in making the decisions. 

Our choices speak of how we exercise our will.  It is interesting to watch an infant who does not want to feed, refuse to open his mouth and communicate his will and desire through crying and at times acting out, to the frustration of the minders.  An individual’s will about something is a power that cannot be ignored, it drives the individual to action. We have been socialized to admire strong willed individuals as we watch them chart their paths, at times against the expectations of others.  God gave us “a will”, allowing us to make our individual decisions and choices.  Our life patterns speak to the choices we have made using our free will. 

Our reference verse spoken by Jesus tells that He surrendered and aligned His will with that of His Father.  He was clear that His purpose was to do the will of His Father in heaven.  This settled for Him on the choices that He was to make.  His choices served the purpose for which He had come to earth. Beloved, when we do not know what to choose, James reminds us to pray for God’s wisdom lest we fly along blindly (James 1:5).  It is not always that we know what the right decision or choice is, yet when we take one we lose the other.    We are also forewarned that there is a path that seems right to a man but its end is death (Proverbs 14:12).  This is the reason why asking God for wisdom is important for God sees the end from the beginning.  When we seek God’s ways and fear Him, He shows us the right path to choose (Psalm 25:12).  It is a promise of God that when we seek Him, He will speak to us on whether to go to the right or to the left (Isaiah 30:21).  Brethren, we have an assurance of God’s leading, for He promises to guide us along the best path for our lives, advising and watching over us (Psalm 32:8).  The provision of His leading is there, ours is to reach out to Him that He may lead us in His will and purpose.


What is the ultimate goal of your choices?

Are there choices or decisions which you wish were different?

How has seeking God’s will for you influenced your life?


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