Already Provided
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
(Psalm 23:1, NKJV)
In most communities of the world, there are many living in poverty and struggle. To many, it looks like we are living in days of scarcity as the cost of living keeps going high. Families are heard to complain that they are not able to meet their daily needs. We are living in days of great technological advancement, some of which could be helpful to improve the economic situations of many, yet we continue to hear of pleas for fundraising and charity giving to help many around us and away. The question of ‘want’ and ‘need’ has become a constant cry in the mouths of many. Looking at the world and listening to what we hear, we could very well be caught up in singing the same song that others are singing. Beloved, this might be the reality of what we see in the physical and as believers we are to remind ourselves to refocus to the word of God. The above verse comes from a commonly quoted chapter of the bible which speaks of God’s covering and leading of His people. Many know all the verses and songs have been written on this chapter, but could it be that we recite the words but fail to acknowledge and believe the promises of God in the words? I was drawn to the truth of His word that God is my shepherd, this means that all my wants and needs are therefore supplied for. It is because of God’s shepherding that I have no want. It may not look so in the physical but it is the truth in God’s world and in my spirit.
God uses His word to encourage His children and our short reference verse, speaks to the provision of God in relation to everything that we need or can imagine. It is no wonder that in Philippians we are given the confidence that God will supply ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). God does not provide just some things but all things that we need. He is faithful in all He says and that we can believe. During days of drought and imminent famine, God allowed Isaac to have a 100% harvest (Genesis 26: 1-17). Others had given up and considered the pain that the famine would bring them, but for Isaac who looked up to God, He received a miraculous harvest. God always has a way for providing for His people, He is not limited to the thoughts and plans of men, He is God. As the Israelites journeyed through the desert, God fed them daily with manna and quails (Exodus 16). God would not allow His people to suffer hunger, He supernaturally gave them food. Beloved, He is the same God and He continues to provide for His people supernaturally. He will supply for you.
When our God provides for us, we also need to extend kindness to others. God is a giver and so are we to be. God rewards those who give and He remembers our generosity to others. We read of Cornelius who was visited by an angel of the Lord because of His giving to others (Acts 10:31). Dorcas was resurrected because of the cry of the widows whom she served, they told of her generosity to them helping them overcome poverty and lack (Acts 9:36-42). Just as God provides for us, He recognizes those who give to others. Beloved, we are not called to be reservoirs of God’s blessings but to be rivers of blessings to others. May others confess that their needs have been met through our love and actions. When they do, then we will be reflecting the character of our Father.
How has God supernaturally met your needs?
How has His provision strengthened your faith?
How have you blessed others in meeting their needs?