It is Personal

Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord, Let it be to me according to your word.”…

(Luke 1:38, NKJV)

When taking decisions, it is usual to find that many people find comfort in the presence of others for encouragement.  This could be for things as simple as going shopping for household items, where one is encouraged to pick items which are recommended by their friends. They say that there is safety in numbers, and so regardless of what we are dealing with, it gives us strength when others’ views concur with our suggestions.  I, personally admit that I enjoy having the opinions of others when I make decisions and when this is not possible, like David, I then must to encourage myself.  As I thought of this, I realized that the need to have others always help us make decisions, could closely relate to the idea of peer pressure where one’s decisions are heavily influenced by the choices of others.  It is possible that one eventually regrets the decision taken but it is too late, the one decision that an individual can fully own is one that he has made after necessary considerations. It is however worth noting that whether the decision is made as a result of the influence of others or by own choice, the responsibility that ensues rests with the individual concerned.

The bible has many examples of where an individual took decisions as advised by his friends as well as where the individuals made personal choices.  Our reference verse is well known to us as it was spoken by Mary the mother of Jesus.  After the angel Gabriel had spoken of her role in bringing Jesus the Son of God to earth, she asked questions on how it would happen since she was virgin and upon hearing the response from the angel, she made the above declaration.  She accepted to take up the mission of being the Saviour’s mother as stated to her by the angel.  This was a response of surrender to the will of God, being cognizant of the fact that it would not happen by human ways but would be divine.  Mary was a young lady, betrothed to be married to Joseph and she understood this decision would affect her future life, yet without any further consultation, she received the will of God upon her life.  I guess one would say that she possibly could have talked to Joseph, her parents or even friends before making her decision, but she understood that it was her decision and her journey alone with God.  This instance of making a decision with God all by oneself is not isolated to Mary’s case, we see it with others too.  We see Hanna, the mother of prophet Samuel, going to prayer all by herself and leaving her husband behind, it was a moment to bear her heart to God (1 Samuel 1:9-11).  Hanna is said to have been in great pain of heart as she begged God for a child and we note that in her prayers, she made a vow to God in verse 11, promising that she would in turn give the child back to God.  Like Mary above, Hanna did not consult with anyone else, not even her husband when she made her vow, and God honoured her cry and gave her a child.  There is also Gideon who had an angelic visitation as he was commissioned to fight the Midianites despite his sense of helplessness  (Judges 6:11-27).  Following this visitation, Gideon took a step of courage to destroy the altars of Baal which his father had erected. 

The above and others in the bible, clearly demonstrate to us that God works with individuals and not crowds as we tend to do.  Our faith in God is personal and our journey is equally personal.  The word of God calls us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), reminding us too, that we shall individually stand before God for judgement (2 Corinthians 5:10).  Beloved, it is all an individual decision and journey, it is not a collective responsibility. An old-time hymn “it’s me, it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer”, prompts us to take our place as individuals as we relate to God.


What is your individual relationship with God?

Which decisions/choices/vows have you personally made with God?

How has the influence of others on you, impacted your walk of faith?


Strive Not


Keep Holding On