Keep Holding On

Do not cast away your confidence which has great reward. 

(Hebrews 10:35, NKJV)

One major element of life that we carry each day, is the gift of hope.  We awake each morning with the hope that the day will be good and that we shall achieve our goals.  At the beginning of the year or a season, most of us set ambitious plans and goals of what we hope to pursue to a conclusion of success.  The hope that we carry creates in us a motivation to take steps towards our desired end.  We put every effort we can, seek out people to help us in our chosen direction and continually monitor the progress we are making.  The monitoring process is critical in identifying the challenges we face, the mistakes we are making and what needs to be done to course correct.  Hope lives within our hearts and though we do not see it and at times we cannot explain it, it has the power to move us to what we consider possible and true. 

A lot of changes on earth were born from an individual’s pursuit of a direction based on a hope that they carry even when others tend to doubt their conviction.  It is also fair to acknowledge that there are times when one feels disheartened and discouraged when they sense that what they hope for will not be realized.  The bible tells us that hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12).  The writer of the book of Proverbs captured the potential and power of hope in this verse, equating the fulfillment of desires as a tree of life, giving the individual the joy and strength to move forward.  When hope is delayed or not realized, we read that it makes the heart sick as desperation is experienced.  We know of people who have faced despair and depression to the point of death, all resulting from a broken heart of unfulfilled expectations.  It is true that there are a lot of problems and hardships that we face and we have to continually keep lifting ourselves up even when all seems lost.  Our expectation in God is however sure and will never change, for His word tells us that the expectations of the righteous result in joy and are never denied, but the hope of the wicked will not bear fruit (Proverbs 10:28).  This suggests to me that we need to be careful of what our expectations are and on what they are pegged, when they are from God, they will not fail.

Beloved, our reference verse calls us not to lose our hope but to hold on till we receive our expected reward.  As believers, our hope and confidence in God comes from our acceptance of God’s love for us and the expectation of eternal life with Christ, eternity is our goal.  The battles of life are many and in our current environment, one has to continually keep a focus on living God’s way despite the challenges of daily living.  Paul in reminding us not to lose our confidence in God, assured us that our hope is not in vain but that there is an expected reward that only God can give, eternal life.  Let us hold on to this hope.  At one time in the bible, Jesus asked His disciples if they wanted to also leave Him like others did, but Peter speaking with the wisdom of God quickly replied that there is no one else to follow, for none else has the words of eternal life (John 6:68).  Brethren, I pray that this would be our confession, that we cannot find anyone else who will have eternal life but Jesus, understanding this, we then hold on to the hope and the confidence that we have in God.  In no way does this suggest that our lives will be easy, we will be required to daily choose to keep our confidence and faith in God as our only preferred choice.  Deep within we are convinced that when we hold on to our faith, God will in His faithfulness also reward us as only He can do.  Today, let us encourage ourselves in the Lord like David did (1 Samuel 30:6), with the guarantee and security from the word of God that our hope in Him will not fail.


What is your experience in keeping your hope in God?

How will you strengthen your resolve to keep your confidence secure?

Where has your hope failed you?


It is Personal


Labour of Love