Season’s Reason

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13-14)

The world over, this time of the year is celebrated by all as holiday season with different reasons.  For the believer, it is a time of remembering the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  While we normally check on the dates, I invite us to reflect on the purpose for the birth of our Lord.  Our Father always has a purpose and a plan for everything that He does, and the birth of Jesus is not different. Luke’s recording of the moment of Jesus’ birth, tells us what heaven through a multitude of angels declared as the outcome of this special occurrence.

The message of the angels in the above verse, gives us the purpose and place of Jesus’ birth: to glorify the Father and give Him praise; to bring peace to the earth and goodwill to all men.  The angels rejoiced for this moment fulfilled the Father’s promise as given by Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 9), giving hope of eternal life for all people. The coming of Jesus had the ultimate goal of restoring the authority of God’s Kingdom on His creation as He had initially intended. This singular purpose of God’s redemptive work was held in the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ and all through the bible we find mention of this truth, with reference to Jesus.

The herald angels called Jesus the Saviour (Luke 2:10-12), informing us that His role was to save us and reconcile us back to God.  The baby that the world saw was called a Saviour by the angels, a clarification of His role on earth. Jesus Himself told Pilate that the reason He came to the world was to testify the truth, the truth of God (John 18:37), He also told us that He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). John presents us a summary of the reason for the birth of Jesus, that He would destroy all the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).  All what Jesus did and represented was geared at destroying the work of the devil and establishing only the purposes of God on earth. Beloved, as we look at this season, let us not just see a baby who was born, but let us remember He is our Lord, our Saviour, He is God.  Let us also remind ourselves that this birth had a goal in God’s ultimate purpose and that is the same goal that we are called to live out in our lives as disciples of our Master and Lord. Just as Jesus kept the goal of His life in all He did, may we also learn to live purposefully for the glory of God. As the world celebrates the birth of Jesus, may we celebrate our salvation and redemption; may we share the good news of God’s Kingdom with others and live to glorify our Father.  May we be conscious of the singular purpose of Jesus’ birth which now is our purpose too.



What has been your reflection of this season?

How does that influence your faith going forward?

Are you living in your purpose in God like Jesus did?




Live in Thanksgiving