………grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ……
(2 Peter 3:18, NKJV)
As we turn the pages of the calendar into 2023, the word “grow” comes to mind. Many refer to the passing of years as growing old, growing up, growing younger, growing wise etc., In whichever way the word grow is used, it suggests movement from one step or level into another and thankfully, it usually refers to forward progression. Whether we want it or not, we grow each day and each moment, every living thing grows, the question is: what and how are we choosing to grow? We are standing at an opportune moment, acknowledging that the ending of 2022 is the beginning of another period of 2023, it is a time of swing doors with one year out and another in.
During such moments, many set goals and targets to achieve in areas that they want to grow in. Beloved, allow me to suggest that among the dimensions of growth that we seek to explore in this new year, we consider growing in the grace and knowledge of God. Throughout time, God has always desired that we grow in Him and He continually gives us new chances to do so, He is a patient Father who never gives up on us. Sadly, we often pursue growth in all other areas physical and miss out on the spiritual growth which is God enabled. By God’s grace, He yet again extends an opportunity for growth in the knowledge of His word, a knowing of His heart. Admittedly, we grasp spiritual knowledge by revelation given by God but we also have a part to play, we have to seek for it. Paul writes to Timothy to study the word of God that he may show himself approved and worthy of the call upon his life (2 Timothy 2:15). In studying the word of God diligently, Paul tells us that one grows in the ability of understanding and dividing the word of truth appropriately. Brethren, we are living in confusing times where deception is perfected day after day, and unless we know the word of God as truth, we will be deceived. It is for such times that the bible says that even the elect could be deceived (Matthew 24:24). A commonly quoted verse (Hosea 4:6) reminds us that people perish for lack of knowledge, while (Proverbs 4:7) emphasizes that in all that we pursue, we need to get wisdom.
Beloved, we are well advised to seek the treasures of God’s word for He desires that we learn His ways for us, He actually encourages us to search for His riches and equates this search to the honour of kings (Proverbs 25:2). The nuggets of God’s promises are hidden in the word and it is beautiful to know that seeking to study and know God’s word is not only an honourable practice but also a kingly role. Knowledge is inexhaustive, there is always more and more to learn in any given field, and this also applies to the spiritual knowledge. Let us not be unwise and lazy to grow in the knowledge of God, even Paul the great apostle had journals which are referred to as parchments that he held dear (2 Timothy 4:13). Our victory as believers will be determined by the word of God hidden in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). The word is breathed of God, His letter to us which not only opens us up to who He is, but also teaches and corrects us for the sole purpose of righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17) so that we are equipped for acceptable service to our God. Let us purpose to make 2023 a year of continued growth in the grace and knowledge of God our King and Father.
In 2023, what areas will you be growing in?
What plans have you put in place to support your growth?
Who will help you grow right?
How will you measure your spiritual growth?