Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23, NKJV
It is only a four lettered word, but its power and promise are beyond what one can explain. Hope keeps us moving - the expectation of receiving or changing something fuels our hearts with positive emotions, makes our lips smile and adds speed to our steps. Hope is a great motivator in most of what we do as well as how we live. We put a lot of effort in pursing things because we have a strong expectation that the positive results we want will materialize. In a recent meeting, someone described hope as a strong expression of faith which suggests a profound message worthy of musing over – an expression which is strong and in faith. Mention of faith introduces a belief, an assurance of the expected result and I ask, where is the faith that pushes the individual to action?
When we use the word hope, we tend to refer to what we expect, and so we hope for something. We hope for success, good results, great yields etc. Our hope is always towards something positive; nobody hopes for the negative outcome. It is this positive outcome that we hope for, which keeps us moving forward in the direction of our expectation. Other times, we speak of a hope in someone; A parent could rest their hope in his/her child, or hope in a more powerful individual to help with whatever one is dealing with. When we hope in someone, we are acknowledging that the individual has the ability and possibility of changing our situation for the better and we place the burden to realize our expectation on the individual. To avoid disappointment, it is important to know whether the one we have placed our hope in can deliver on our expectation.
Beloved, for just a moment, let us reflect on our ‘hope for’ and ‘hope in’, as the prepositions which follow the word hope make a difference. As believers, it is for hope that we have been saved, and we know that what we hope for is not yet seen (Romans 8:24). No one hopes for what he already has. Our hope is in an assured future for whom we have believed in, is the God of hope and so we abide in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). We cannot separate our hope for eternal life from the ONE that we have hoped in, the ONE who says that neither death nor life, neither present or future, nothing at all can separate us from His love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39). It is the unwavering awareness of where our hope comes from that keeps us in faith and in the expectation of eternal life despite the trials of our present times. Paul reminds us that our present sufferings pale in comparison to the glory that will be revealed, a glory that even creation awaits, groaning and longing for (Romans 8:18-19). Our endurance is inspired by our hope (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Beloved, our hope is not just a vain thought but an assured knowledge of He who has promised being faithful and able. We have been chosen by God in His mercies, to make known the mystery of His glorious riches as we manifest Jesus Christ - the hope of glory - (Colossians 1:27), and are counted as blessed for trusting in God and hoping in Him (Jeremiah 17:7).
The conviction and power of our hope in God cannot be doubted and we are well-advised to keep holding on no matter the circumstances. We proclaim our hope in a timeless hymnal “My hope is built on nothing less but Jesus’ blood and righteousness” (written by Pastor Edward Mote of Rehoboth Baptist Church in 1837). The confidence of our hope is in He who gave all for us and promised to be with us to the end of time (Matthew 28:20). It is our knowledge and acceptance of Him, which makes our hope secure, even in the turbulence of times.
What is your hope? What are you hoping for?
In whom do you hope?
How secure is your hope?