You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:2, NKJV)

Join me today to reflect on the word “peace”. In our world today, it is a word which we hear a lot as needed, but one which seems elusive in the day to day happenings. There are various voices calling for peace in the world, but the experience of peace seems to be unknown to many people. Our days are filled with anxious thoughts of what we want to achieve or what could happen in case there are changes in our lives. We seem to spend a lot of time speculating and making long arguments of what could or could not be, and this at times becomes exhausting as we have to accept that a lot of what we wish for is not in our control. If this is the case, then it is possible that we are using our energies and emotions on thoughts and activities which will not produce the desired results. One would therefore be forgiven for being anxious and busy about a tomorrow which s/he has not control over. The Bible reminds us that each day has enough trouble of its own and therefore we should not worry about tomorrow, as it will take care of itself (Matthew 6:27).

As I pondered on this topic, I realized that we are looking for peace in our circumstances and the world around us, while forgetting that the world cannot give us what it does not have. We are advised to seek quiet environments for meditation, listen to calming music so that our senses and emotions are quieted. All this is helpful in getting us to be quiet and calm for just a moment, as it is temporary quietness. Unfortunately, this is still not peace as we would want to experience, for peace comes from inside an individual and not from the outside. One could be in a tranquil environment, but his heart is racing with thoughts and fears which seem to overpower the outside atmosphere. The turmoil inside can be so loud that the individual does not even receive the calmness that the outside seeks to offer.

Peace is a message from one’s soul to the world and not the other way around - It is an internal state. This means that it is possible to be in an environment which is difficult, but still be at peace. Jesus left us His peace, a peace that the world cannot not give or understand (John 14:27). Brethren, our peace will not be by an act of man or by the world, but it will and does come when we know whom we have believed in, what He has to offer us and what He has promised us (2 Timothy 1;12). When we trust in His word and His promises, then we can look at what is happening around us and still be at peace, for we know who is in charge and Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). We know how the whole thing will end and so we are not worried about the waves that are raging. This assurance gives us perfect peace in the midst of the storm.

Am I being too presumptive when I expect perfect peace? Our key verse refers to it as possible - it is not created or generated by ourselves, but is rather given to us. The verse says that our Almighty Father will keep us in perfect peace - we are kept in peace, when we are in His love and care; we are surrounded by peace, it is perfect peace that keeps our hearts. The reason why we are being kept in perfect peace is that we trust in Him. Our hope and anchor are in no one else but Him. Even in the midst of fear and disturbing occurrences, we choose to put our trust in Him (Psalm 56:3). We choose to stay connected and focused on Him alone. As a result of our trust in His goodness, mercy and power, He keeps us in perfect peace. My reflection of our key verse rested on these keywords: Keep, Perfect Peace, Stayed/Trust.


What does the above verse mean to you?

Upon whom or what have you anchored your peace?

Where is your mind/heart STAYED?

How have you experienced perfect peace?

Is there anything you need to do to know God’s true peace


