©Thomas Martin
And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. Mark 6:31
It is a race…….
We can compare our spiritual walk with our physical lives.
Athletes who engage in a marathon race know that in addition to their bodies being in great physical shape, they also need to take care of their emotions and energies, allowing nothing to take away their focus from the competition.
Similarly, in our walk with God, we must consciously be aware of our spiritual strength and energy as we scale the heights of faith. Assessing our spiritual strength for the journey requires that we allow time for rest and recovery and do so without shame, guilt or sense of condemnation. During this period of rest, let us hold each other up as we feed on the wisdom and knowledge from God’s word.
The above my friend is what PerchandSoar seeks to do. Help each one of us along the way, nourish ourselves in the faith and encourage each one to rise to our highest God-given purpose.
I pray that as you visit this site and perch for a moment, you will find a word that feeds your spirit so that you soar higher to the glory of God.
Let us spur each other up as we see the days of our redemption drawing near.
All the glory goes back to God who enables us to soar.
“I feel blessed with support from this rich resource of guidance.”
— Enedy Njoroge

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