I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined to me, and heard my cry.
(Psalm 40:1, NKJV)
The picture I carry for the word ‘pause’ is a hand raised up demanding a stop, a halt to whatever was happening. What picture does this word bring to your mind? When we set our minds and actions in a given direction, the command to stop even for a short while is normally not welcome. We are so driven to move in our given that, energized to achieve the goal we have in mind that stopping for a temporary moment seems unwelcome. Admittedly, there are times when we stop to catch a breath and looking back, one realizes that they were pursuing a wrong path. In such instances, the pause was helpful. However, for many, waiting is difficult. We always want to move quickly and take control of our circumstances. This inner drive to follow our heart’s desires and plans, makes the waiting feel like unnecessarily time wasting or even a denial. Reflecting on this, I acknowledged that there are times when I have been anxious as I waited, other times I have been fearful of the outcome. Deep within I realize that part of the reason why I have experienced these negative emotions is a need to control and influence the outcome to my favour. These emotions take one’s focus from what needs attention in the present time as energies are set on what is yet to come. To many, this represents the struggle, the pain and challenge of waiting during uncertain time, moments when we are not confident of the good in the outcome. Thankfully, there are times of waiting with hope and expectation, for example when a farmer has planted a crop, there is looking forward to the growth of the fruit. The waiting period is not as difficult as the farmer understands that it is just a matter of time before he reaps the fruits of what he has planted.
Our reference verse is a confession by the psalmist of having waited on God and the following verses joyfully tell of answered prayer and a new song (Psalm 40:3). The waiting period might not have been easy but the outcome was worth it. Beloved, God is big on ‘waiting’, there is a preparation and character that comes through waiting even though we do not enjoy it. He works with times and seasons having set favourable conditions for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). There is a time for what is joyous and also a time for sadness, He sets perfect times for each situation and outcome. We may not understand His timing, but we know He does all things well (Mark 7:37), even when we do not see it as such. We accept that He is the author of all and sees things with a view on eternity.
Two words in the verse emphasized the attitude required during this period of a pause “waited patiently”. It is not just waiting, but being patient with the wait. I confess this is still an area of learning, being patient and waiting sounds like a complete halt, absolute stop. It suggests a looking intently into what is ahead without making a move. It takes resolute strength and courage and even a conviction of hope that the outcome will be for our good. Brethren, it is only the knowledge and revelation of God in our lives that gives us hope to wait patiently on Him. The bible reminds us that He is a sun and shield to us and He withholds no good thing from us (Psalm 84:11). May we in knowing His faithfulness and love for us hold on to hope as we wait for His divine timing. May our hearts find rest in place of struggle during waiting periods. May our faith in His impeccable timing give us the strength to patiently and confidently wait on Him.
What is your experience of ‘waiting’?
Are you in a waiting season? How are you waiting?