Purposeful Impact
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
(Psalm 90:12, NKJV)
Abraham Lincoln said “And in the end it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years.” Beloved, we have come to the end of the year as we mark it in our calendars. It does seem to me that the year has gone by fast and I cannot help but look back at the year that has been. There are questions of what happened, what should not have happened, how successful we were in achieving our goals etc. All these are helpful questions when we hold a back view mirror accepting that the days of 2024 have actually past. For some, it has been a successful year while for others, it is the year to forget. When plans are going well, the days tend to be short yet memorable but when there are difficult days, there is a sense of emptiness, disappointment and somewhat wasted time. Either way, we have all been witnesses of the 366 days that made the year and so the question is how we have filled our time and days. This is not an easy question by any means but it calls me to reflect on our reference verse, counting our days and gaining wisdom.
Brethren, time for us is finite, there is an end to the hour, day, week, month, year and ultimately our lives. Apostle Peter calls us not to be ignorant of a profound truth, that a day is like a thousand years before the Lord and a thousand years like a day to Him (2 Peter 3:8). This draws us to see time from the perspective of God who dwells in infinity, it speaks to the potential of each moment to count for eternity, a consciousness that we need to walk in. Our lives impact and purpose is not limited to the duration of our days but to how we capture and optimize the moments. Everything is weighted against eternity and so we need to focus on the eternal which will outlive our earthly lives. Our reflection of our lives should not be against the natural and worldly happenings which fade with time but on eternal value. Solomon, the wisest man told us that all we run after on earth is vanity, he emphasized this by calling it vanity of vanities (Ecclesiastes 1: 1-12). Beloved of the Lord, our days guided by the wisdom of God will not end up as vanity. Jesus our Lord and Saviour, called us to follow Him and be light of the world and salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-16). That is the impact we are to have on earth, help people see and taste the Kingdom of God. As we go through the days and into the new year, may we be reminded of who we are, light and salt. When the light shines, it is just doing its work, the light does not bother to state its place but those around notice it, they see it from a distance and more often than not, they are drawn to its brightness. My brother, my sister, you are the light of the world and though you might have no knowledge of how this reaches others, your light is visible. May others see and desire the light of Christ that you carry, for that will be your impact in your sphere of influence. Remember that impact is what you leave behind, so dear one, do what God has granted you to do with the awareness that it is leaving a message, hopefully, one which gives God glory – may that be your impact.
What has your impact been?
Who have you reached out to with your impact?
How do your want your impact to be going forward?