Chosen for Purpose

No longer do I call you servants……but I have called you friends….

(John 15:15, NKJV)

Watching children organize themselves for a game does offer moments of learning not only for the children but also for the audience.  Every child wants to be included in the game and they get excited when they have been selected to join a team.  Those who do not get selected for the playing teams are crestfallen with a pain which is deep within their hearts.  There is a sense of being rejected and no matter what others may say, the child feels disappointed often bursting into tears.  This is an experience that many of us can identify with at different times, when we thought we qualified for something but were left out, an example is when one applies for a job that they really want and fail to get it.  We have all experienced a moment of disappointment and depending on how much hope we had put in the matter, it takes time to forget the negative response.  Thankfully, Jesus affirmed that no one who draws close to Him is rejected (John 6:37).  A solid assurance that we have a place to belong in spite of the circumstances of our lives.

Our reference verse comes from the words of Jesus speaking to His disciples confirming their place in Him.  He clearly says that we are not servants for servants though they obey, do not know what the master is doing or seeking to achieve.  This is not the case for friends who have been briefed on the vision and purpose that they are seeking to achieve.  Jesus shared with His disciples all things He heard from His Father and therefore called them friends.  Beloved, this is our position today, by the word of God we know the will of God and therefore cannot claim to be ignorant like some outsiders might do.  Reading the passage further, it is clear that we are not just friends but have been carefully chosen by our Lord and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16).  There is a purpose and an expectation to the choosing, not just for us to feel special but also to join our Lord Jesus in producing fruit.  This is not temporal fruit but one that will last, fruits for eternity.  It is no wonder then that Jesus took time to teach His disciples. He also gave us the Holy Spirit to equip us for the task of bearing fruits for the kingdom of God.  This reminds me of Jesus saying that the harvest is ripe but the labourers are few (Matthew 9:37-38).  That is the fruit that we are called to bring home with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Every fruit speaks of the seed from which it has grown, our fruit must be of God. When we understand our role in bringing the harvest home, the Father draws people to Himself.  Brethren, we celebrate the price that Jesus paid to purchase us with His blood, may we also bring Him the fruit that He expects of us.  We are well prepared and equipped to impact the world for our Father’s glory.


What is your experience as a friend of Jesus?

How does this call to fruit bearing speak to you?

What could be holding you back from bearing fruits that will last?


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