……the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”.
(John 4:14, NKJV)
Water in all parts of the world is valued and it is no wonder we say, “water is life”. The flowing liquid water as we know it, serves not only human beings, animals but also the plants. Water is one element that none of us can do without. We are told that 55% to 60% of the human body is made up of water and while it is possible to go without food for some days, this is not the same for water. A thirst for water is not fully quenched by any other liquid but water, water refreshes and cleans all along its path. One writer on emphasizing the power of water asked the question: “what cleans water?” That speaks to the unique and elevated position that water has in our lives.
Our reference verse is from the story of the Samaritan woman, who met Jesus at the well as she went to fetch for water. Jesus asked her to give her some water from the well and the woman understanding that Jesus was not a Samaritan, went into explaining how Jews and Samaritans had no business connecting. She was right in her understanding of her traditions and culture but as they continued talking, Jesus spoke of living water. The water Jesus introduced her to was not the regular water which we drink and thirst again, but one which would be a fountain of everlasting life. Jesus in talking of water, was referring to new and everlasting life that only He could give. This water is the gift of salvation and forgiveness of sins, the gospel message that Jesus brought into the world. Beloved, Jesus reminds us that He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), it is only through Him that we find eternal life. It is interesting that we say water is life, Jesus indeed gives us life, eternal life in abundance (John 10:10). Glory be to God that when we believe in Jesus, we also receive His life within us. No wonder we are reminded that rivers of living water flow from within us once we have believed, (John 7:38). The Holy Spirit who resides in us flows to our world giving life.
Brethren, this is only possible as we take in God’s word as true, the more of the word in our lives the more it will flow in the different spheres of our lives. Computer gurus tell that ‘garbage in garbage out’ (gigo). What we put in is what we get out and this is a fact in all areas of our lives. When we take in the word of God in our daily lives, it not only strengthens us but also ensures a flow of the Holy Spirit in our interactions. We are living in a time when many are in need of encouragement and hope as they face different challenges. Our God gives hope and we are to be the carriers of hope to the struggling world. Beloved, we cannot give what we do not have, so may we find our hope and strength in God and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). May we continually drink of His water so that we are not only refreshed but that there is a continuous bubbling up from our lives, the refreshing presence of God to those around us. May we be known as people who give life to others, even as we ourselves have received the same. Glory be to God that we know the source and can fetch His living water at will.
Which well are you drawing your water from?
What is flowing from you to others?
Are there thirsty areas in your life? How will you quench them?