Doing Good
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.
(Proverbs 3:27, NKJV).
Many of us are driven to do only what benefits us, the question of “what is in it for me?” seems to linger at the back of one’s mind. Every opportunity we get, we look at how it meets our needs or extends our intention for whatever the next level is. The competitive environment that the world has become does not allow many to reflect on what is really helpful or needful at any one time. To many people, this unfortunate outlook to life leads to pursuing what is expedient often at the cost of what is right, there is rarely time to reflect on what is right to do versus what is easiest to do. Beloved, it is maybe time to ponder on what drives us in our actions especially as far as it relates to other people.
Our reference verse got me thinking of how many times one misses out on opportunities to be of help to others. The fact that we tend to operate from a very selfish lens, makes it difficult for us to see what could be to the good of others even when it does not cost us anything. The message is to do good to others who are deserving or needful of the good, not because we will benefit from the action but because it is in our power to do the good. Stories are given of people who in the course of the usual duties helped others and while they did not think much of what they were doing considering it was just a job, they ended up being rewarded handsomely by those that they assisted. We hear of many people saying that they are looking for a breakthrough and that becomes a consuming thought for them so that they are constantly looking out for themselves. Could it be that all what they need is to do what they can in their sphere of influence and control while someone else leads them to their breakthrough? Could sincere service to another human being be the door to what gives us fulfillment? Our reference verse qualifies that when we are in a position to do good, we should do just that, it does not invite us to consider our advantage, all it asks us is to do the right thing to another person when it is in our power to do so… hiatus.
Beloved, I know at times we think that what we are doing does not count, just remember that everything counts. Jesus taught us that whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we have done it unto Him our Lord (Matthew 25:40). This gives us perspective, that whoever we serve and whatever we do even when we think is insignificant counts in the Lord’s eyes. We are also reminded that we were created for good works (Ephesians 2;10), the reason we are here is to do good works, after all, our Saviour did good works wherever He went (Acts 10:38). Brethren, let us purpose to do good where we can regardless of our own gain. In the environment where others are pursuing their gain at the expense of all others, let us not be weary of doing good to others for in so doing, we shine the light of Christ in us, we witness by our actions. May we be found to be different from the crowd as we commit to good works and spur each other to the same (Hebrews 10:25). When we become obedient to this lifestyle which the world does not seem to espouse, we individually give our spaces a taste of ‘a little heaven on earth’, gradually making them Kingdom spaces.
What is your attitude in serving others?
In what ways do you deliberately do good to others?
In which spheres do you have the power to do good?
What has been your experience in doing good wholeheartedly?