Framed Portrait
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me,
(Isaiah 49:16, NKJV)
When we spend time with someone, we get to know what the individual considers most valuable in their lives. This we learn from their speeches and the stories they tell as well as the things that they care about. Entering a family house especially where the owners are mid-age and older, there will be some signs of the members of the family. Spending time in the family house one is introduced to the parents, children, grandchildren and other family members. Most families will have photos of the members of the family and while it is now not as common as it used to be in the recent past, there would be a photo album which holds printed photos of the family. Many go an extra mile to print out big sizes of the photos and put them in frames which adorn the walls of the house. Admittedly, framing photos seems to be less prevalent than it was a few years ago. For the young adults, many use their phones to take photos and keep them in iCloud for access when needed. Some carry small passport photos of their loved ones in their wallets as well as putting them in their phones’ status. Regardless of how these photos are preserved and presented, when they are shared, they become a central part of conversation concerning the family.
The deliberate efforts we make to preserve these photos, speaks to our value of the people that they represent and our desire to keep them in remembrance. Rarely will one carry a photo of a person that they do not know or value, taking care of the photos speaks of the emotional value that we ascribe to them. We take care to protect the photo, ensuring it is in a secure place and we display it with pride, there is an emotion that goes with the memory of what that photo represents. Our reference verse reminds us that God has engraved us in the palm of His hands, our walls are continually before Him. That suggests to me, that God values you and I enough to keep our frame forever in His presence. The value He ascribes to us makes Him protect us keeping us securely in His hands, He is a shield over us (Psalm 3;3). This ensures no harm comes our way (Psalm 91:7) as He surrounds us with His victory (Psalm 125:2). He also takes pride at the remembrance of His children and so He keeps watching over us with love, no wonder, He celebrates us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). Beloved, what a privilege to know how God sees us? How powerful it is to live with this revelation as we take our place in the world? We know that we are well grounded by the love and power of God, Amen.
Pondering on this thought, I wondered what we have put on display in our lives and in our hearts. We display what we are proud of and whether we acknowledge it or not, we have some things that we feel good about and would want to share with others. There are memories that we hold dear and would wish that they remain intact, well displayed in our hearts even when others might not see or know them. It is worth considering what portraits we not only hold dear but also which can speak about us. We read of a lady in the bible, Dorcas, who died and the community wailed pleading for her return to life since she was helpful to them (Acts 9:36-42). The memories that she had left behind were highly valued by the community so much so, that Peter raised her from the dead. It is her album of life which spoke for her as others had witnessed her portraits when she lived. We also read of King Hezekiah when Prophet Isaiah told him that he was going to die, but Hezekiah opened the page of his memoirs and reminded God of what he had done. This moved God and Hezekiah was added 15 more years (2 Kings 20:1-11). Beloved, our framed memoirs are important and God honours them.
What have you put in your heart’s portrait?
What is on display in your life for others to see?
How will this awareness impact your life?