The LORD Will
When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take care of me. Psalm 27:10
The chapter where this verse is found talks of an unending trust and faith in God. David explains who God has been in his life and reaches such a powerful conclusion that even if all else deserts him, including those who are closest to him, the Lord his God will continue to take care of him. What a deep confession of faith! We will be forgiven for wondering why David had to make the above statement.
We rarely can think of a situation where a parent abandons a child, though admittedly, we seem to read in the news more and more reports where parents have not only left their children but also killed them. This is not what we have grown to know as normal parental instinct, even animals will kill any predator who is a threat to their young. Throughout history, the energy that parents pour into protecting their offspring represents the highest level of human and animal love for one another, so it is not to be considered normal for parents to do harm to their children, more so for human parents.
Let us go back to David’s words, it is rather fascinating that David chooses to mention both father and mother. In our understanding, these refer to our natural parents and closest family, those of one’s household. It is almost inconceivable that these should desert or forsake an individual, for families are expected to stick together. The choice of both parents is very pertinent because they are not only the ones expected to stick to the end but also because if one parent leaves for whatever reason, including death, the other parent would hold on and provide the required support to the offspring – this is the truth of the animal world too. The gravity of this statement, therefore, should not be lost to the reader in that there is a recognition that there could come a time when the last drop of human kindness would dry up so that the parent forgets the child, YET in David’s words, even if this would happen, his trust would remain in God who would take care of him.
As we grow up, we realize that there are circumstances when one goes through moments of loneliness, maybe caused by the departure of people, for example, by death or in situations of serious pain and illness. Other times we are not even alone, but in the situations, we are undergoing, no one else can feel what we feel – it could be a lonely time with a sense that one has to go through it alone for no other can share the moment in its intensity. In this situation or whatever it might be, David’s words ring true that despite the place we find ourselves in, we can be assured that God will not let us go. He will hold us up. The Bible also reminds us (Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”). I find this comforting that while we have a responsibility to be friendly to others, thereby being their support and encouragers in times of need if we ever find ourselves in a deeply lonely place, we can always count on God. He is a friend who is closer than our blood relations. He sticks right IN with us to lift us up and encourage us through. It is a blessing and a relief to take this truth as a reality in our lives. There is no greater honour than to know that the Lord of lords and king of kings in His love will carry me through life’s challenges and even elevate me above my enemies. It gives an assurance of His faithfulness in taking us to eternal rest once our lives on earth are over.
I do not know about you or what you could be going through, but I dare say reaching a place where David made the statement should be our goal. Jesus told his disciples (Luke 14: 26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple”). Jesus was categorical that one has to love him more than others in order to be fully His disciple; there is no chance for divided allegiance. We are called to commit to love the Lord our God with all our all (Matthew 22:37 -38 ….., “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment”). Yes, the Lord God has to be all that we have and need. The old testament reminds us that Jehovah is a jealous God. He will not share you with anyone else. Exodus 34:14 “…for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God”).
Wherever you are or whatever is happening with you or around you, let this sink in your spirit and practice walking in it, that you are loved by the Lord, and He wants all of you for Himself alone. Once we take this in, David’s words make complete sense, and we find ourselves in good company where we can confidently declare that no matter what, the Lord Himself will faithfully hold us up. May the Holy Spirit help us to internalize this and walk in it as our reality, every moment of the day. Let this encourage you and give your heart rest in the assurance of God’s promise to you ( Hebrews 13: 5 – 6 “……“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear…….”).
What sentiments does this message raise for you?
Would you confidently say like David? If not, why not?
What you might need to do in response to God on His promise to you?