Worry, Worry, Worry…
Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1, NKJV)
‘'Worry’ has become a common word, which is used loosely in our daily communication; we worry about what will happen tomorrow, whether we shall make it for the flight, whether the plane will be safe, what will be the weather of the place we are going to…. Etc. We tend to worry about everything which has not happened. I recently had someone say that he was worried because things were going too well to be true; the reason for the worry was that there was no problem to solve; why are things so good right now? This is an individual who is looking for a reason to worry, and not being able to find one makes him worried. These are “worriers” individuals who are unnecessarily worried even if they worry that nothing is making them worry.
When we worry, our hearts are disturbed and fearful, but the word of God advises us not to be worried or troubled, for we believe in God. The reason we should not worry is simply the fact that we believe in God almighty, who has promised and proven Himself able to take care of everything that concerns us. The popular passage in Matthew 6:25-34 is dedicated as a reminder by God that His care for us is fully assured. If He cares for the birds of the air, how much more will He care for us, human beings who have been created in His own image? He lets us know that our worry does not help us; it adds nothing to us for we can do nothing by or of ourselves, all what we have and can have is by the Hand of God Himself. This is a timely message worthy of our reflection and belief, for when we accept that God cares even about the food we eat and the clothes we wear, then we can relax from worry, trusting Him more for the next steps and days ahead. No wonder Luke 12:22 references Jesus telling His disciples as He sent them out not to worry about what they shall eat or drink as God would take care of them. This is our promise today for the word of God remains forever true. Brethren let us embrace this promise in our lives defeating worry and fear that seems to beckon.
We also need to realize that fear and worry are not from God, 2 Timothy 1:7 clarifies that God has not given us the spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and sound mind. We have known that fear is a spirit which is not from the Spirit of God. We need to lean into the Spirit of God for power, love and sound mind, which are all stolen by the spirit of fear. Our loving Father has given us His assurance that He will always be with us and will not leave us, He promises us that He will strengthen us and uphold us as we go through life (Isaiah 41:10). Instead of being fearful and worried about many things for which we can do nothing to help ourselves, we are encouraged to rest in the knowledge that our God is in charge for each and everything thing that concerns us, no matter how minute we might think it is. In (Philippians 4:6-7), the message is very direct that we should not be anxious about anything, instead we should in prayer coupled with thanksgiving, talk to God about our needs and concerns. The result of following God’s formula as given to us, gives us the peace of God which regardless of what we are facing, God’s peace guards our hearts and minds, a peace beyond understanding.
Brethren let us pursue the peace of God for our worrying does not profit us at all. Worry takes our strength, doctors have proven that it makes us sick. , We are therefore best advised to take on God’s way, being surrendered to the one who never fails and the one who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all what we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). There is much more that God is willing to give to us when we trust and look up to Him according to His ways, His riches are able to meet all our needs (Philippians 4:19). It is our Father’s pleasure to meet His children’s needs, He is a loving Father and His promise to us when we lean on Him (Psalms 34:4-5) is that we will be delivered from all fears and He will make our hearts joyful. Won’t we lean in as we watch all that is going around us? It is a free invitation that each needs to respond to.
Are you a worrier? What are you worried about?
Have you talked to God about your worry?
Are you trusting God for what concerns you?
How has God proved to you His care and provision?