THE Ultimate Gift
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; …
(Isaiah 9:6, NKJV)
In 1963, Edward Pola and George Wyle wrote the popular Christmas song which rings loud and beautiful in most stores and homes today, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”. This indeed is a beautiful song which captures the vibes of the season, a special time that we reach out to others in our circles, friends and family, sharing great laughter and moments of joy. The importance of this season is seen in the sales that the stores give, the extensive travel that takes place as we seek for opportunities to just be with family during Christmas. Regardless of how the year has been and how much one has, there is a sense of generosity that goes around, bringing out the best of the human race. Communities and groups get together to organize for gifts to others in their neighbourhood, the poor and needy in society each person trying to make it easier for those who are struggling. Hearts are warmed up by the kindness shown and smiles shared even amongst strangers. It is a magical season where love is shared freely.
The celebration of this season stems from the birth of a Saviour many years ago. The verse above giving the prophesy of the birth of Jesus is commonly quoted. In all societies, the birth of a child even among animals is a time for celebration. While the birth itself could be difficult, once the baby is born, there is celebration as accepted in the community and family. The joy of the new born is not hidden and even neighbours get to hear of the new addition and life that has come into the world. Reflecting on the verse above, I noted that it starts with the birth of a Child and then brings in the gift of a Son. The Child and the Son refer to the same person and notably, the bible starts both words in capital letters. I wondered why the two words are used and I thought that the mention of the Child refers to how we see the baby, a child is born, while the Son refers to how God the Father saw the Child born, to the Father, Jesus was a Son but to the human race, a Child had been born. Please feel free to share with me what you think about this understanding. So, the Father gave a Son to the world, that is a gift that every parent would struggle to comprehend, giving out your child to others is to give of yourself and that is what Father God did. It all started with a gift and so we give gifts to others too.
We know that gifts are given freely and willingly as presents to others. It however take the recipient’s acceptance of the gift to complete the giver’s intention. Just as God gave us Jesus as a gift, we also have a part to play, ours is to receive the gift. Receiving a gift is not just about taking it, but it is also attributing value to it. The Father gave us a Gift out of His love for us (John 3:16) and He desires that we value the Gift that is Jesus His Son. Accepting the Gift of God gives us eternal life, for Jesus said that He who has the Son has eternal life (1 John 5:12). Our acceptance of God’s Gift of His Son gives us more than we could ever achieve, life eternal. Beloved, we have to see God’s Gift as the Son and not just as a Child. When we see Jesus as a Child, then we shall relate with Him as a Child but when we see Him as the Son of God, then we know He is the full representation of His Father. He said that he who has seen Him, has seen the Father (John 14:9), for He lives in His Father and the Father lives in Him (John 10:38). This is a season that reminds us of the Gift of God Himself, that He gave of Himself and now lives in us as Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23), He is God with us. The revelation of God’s Gift to us through His Son is profound, one that we cannot comprehend by our minds but only by revelation of the Holy Spirit as He reveals to us bit by bit. It is more than a once a year season of celebration, it is an invitation to a lifetime pursuit of a love so divine so precious, Beloved, how He truly loves us is beyond our comprehension, we can only receive this love and Gift so freely given. David Crowder signs it beautifully, “How He Loves”, soak in His love for you and receive strength for the next moment.
How do you understand the Child and the Son reference?
Have you accepted the ultimate Gift?
How have you experienced God’s love in your life?