Always there

When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.

(Psalm 27:10 NKJV)

Nature in simplicity presents to us different views depending on where one is.  When we look into heights, we see mountains led by Mount Everest, there are hills of various sizes, slopes up and down, and when we search lower we find anthills.  Apart from the elevations there are also depressions like valleys, some deep and very scenic like the grand canyon and breath-taking river beds.  Regardless of where one is, the ground around us is  never totally flat and this is part of what makes the world beautiful, not to mention the water bodies and the wonder of the skies above.  A deliberate look at nature, one could marvel at the creation, every aspect having been given specific details. The landscape we see and at times tend to be too familiar with, mirrors our own lives.  Regardless of age or space, our lives have ups and downs.  The ups are beautiful times and songs have been written of the exhilarating delight of being at the mountain top of our lives.  The emotions and success of these moments captivate our hearts and minds so much that individuals are known to go to great lengths including ingesting substances, to keep or recapture the highs.  It is a desired state that each person looks forward to experiencing, being on top of his own circumstances, even if for just a moment. 

The truth is that just as there are highs, the lows also show up and life presents itself as a tilting board of one moment up and another moment down. Unlike the highs, the lows could be very lonely moments where one struggles to look up for hope of a brighter day.  It becomes a journey that one braves through. On the surface it might not be visible but in the mind and the heart of the individual, the darkness is real.  I am encouraged that no matter the situation that one finds himself in, there is an assurance of the presence of God.  His word tells that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  Beloved, I know there are times when this is easier said than believed, our minds know the scripture but our hearts struggle to embrace the comfort of this promise, but that does not negate the reality and truth of God’s word.  He understands our unbelief and fear in these moments, He is our Father and He is familiar with our frailties.  Our reference verse comes from a psalm of David which seems to have been written in a moment of solitude, where his only strength and hope were in the Lord.  David boldly calls God His light, salvation and strength yet, he introduces an aspect that none likes to consider, the possibility of being abandoned by one’s kin and kindred including parents.  The agony that this picture paints for us is worrisome, yet David says with confidence that even if he is so abandoned, the Lord will take care of him.  This declares a faith and a hope in God that goes beyond the expectations of love and comfort from other human beings.  It is a heart that looks only to God alone for satisfaction.

We read of Job in the bible who went from being the most wealthy man to a man greatly tormented with all sorts of afflictions. However, Job held on to his faith in God and he is remembered for strong words spoken in the midst of pain and despair, that he knew his redeemer lives (Job 19:25-27).  Despite his struggles and dark times, his heart remained steadfast on whom he had believed in.  The highs and lows of life will flow through our lives, what we need to be clarify is how we shall get through them.  Singer and song writer, Lynda Randle beautifully articulated the unchanging character of God in her song, “God of the mountain”.  She explains that the God of the mountain remains God even in the valleys, He is God in the day and God in the night.  Beloved, no matter the season you face, hold on to the God who never changes (Hebrews 13:8), He will see you through to the other side.


What is your approach to the highs and lows of life?

Where are you anchored during times of loneliness and struggles?

How secure is your anchor?




Razor-Sharp Focus