No Mix Up

But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.

(Matthew 15:13, NKJV) 

Some of the substances that we interact with look very similar requiring one to have a way of differentiating them.  There are plants that one would be hard pressed to differentiate unless one has known something unique about them.  This similarity is what allows research firms to use placebos pills versus the actual tablets, with a view to identifying the efficacy of a new treatment within a controlled environment.  The success of the placebo pill and what is now known as placebo effect, emanates from the fact that the placebo and the actual pill look alike and the targeted individuals do not know the difference during the trial period.  I cite this as an example of how one could pursue a direction, or ingest something which is different from what he has believed it to be, and yet not know the difference until much later. 

Jesus in His teachings spoke of a parable where the wheat and the tares grow together till the time of harvesting at which point they are differentiated (Matthew 13:24-30).  The similarity between the wheat and the tares was so close that if a farmer was to try and uproot the tares as they grew, he would inadvertently also have uprooted the wheat.  This parable seems to connect with our reference verse.  The disciples of Jesus told Him that the Pharisees were offended by His teaching and in response, Jesus was categorical that only what was from the Father could last, all other believes, doctrines, desires etc., anything contrary to the Father’s will would be uprooted.  Beloved, this calls us to reflect on what we have considered as true in our walk of faith.  We have many doctrines and motivational messages which sound all very good, they tickle our ears telling us what we want to hear, and at times it becomes difficult to differentiate the truth, facts or even an individual dynamic orator’s interpretation of a matter.  Thankfully for us, the bible remains the infallible world of God and our only reference to what is true.  It does not matter what else is happening or the change in seasons, the word of God alone stands forever (Isaiah 40:8).  We cannot allow ourselves to be guided by the traditions and wisdom of men while we ignore the word of God as presented, we are admonished not to be conformed to the world but to be transformed by having our minds renewed (Romans 12:1-2).  It does not matter how right things seem to be, what matters is the truth of the word of God.  Jesus was very clear to His followers that He alone is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).  He was not ambiguous about this, it is not an issue of discussion but a truth stated.  That means following any other way when seeking to reach the Father, would lead to disappointment as there is no salvation in any other name but the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).

Beloved, God has not left us to grapple our way through life without guidance but He has given us a blueprint of how we should live.  Ours is to be diligent in searching the guidelines and instructions in the blueprint so that we follow.  We cannot say we are confused for God has not left us in confusion, there is no placebo of faith that we have been given, we have the real deal, Jesus the Son of God.  It is no wonder that Jesus states that the Father’s will is that none who follows Him, gets lost (John 6:39).  Apostle Peter confirms the same for us that God has given everything we need to lead a godly life (2 Peter 1:3).  Our God is holy and He demands that we live holy too (1 Peter 1:16). Dear ones, we have no excuse or reason to compromise our walk of faith for we have been given all what we need.  Ours is to seek it out diligently, lest we are deceived by the placebo and the sweet sounding advice of man.  It is a choice that we make to follow the truth that we know..  May the Holy Spirit help us to live true to God’s word and will.


How is your walk of faith in relation to the word of God?

Are there areas you are compromising?

Where and how are you searching for guidance in what you need to do?


Our Confidence


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