Step Out Afraid

So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus

(Matthew 14:29, NKJV)

On a daily basis, there is pressure and often a need to change how we do something or have thought of something.  It has been said that change is the only constant, letting us know that change will continue to take place.  This challenges areas where we have found comfort and acceptance as our status quo.  Whether we embrace the change or not is a choice that we are often confronted with.  Many who have chosen to take a leap of faith and take on the change, learn and experience something new, hopefully turning their lives for the better. Taking that step into an unknown space calls for courage and an inner faith that it is the right direction.  As believers, our greatest strength for the next step must be the assurance of the Holy Spirit leading us lest we fail.

Reflecting on our reference verse above, Peter watched Jesus walk on the water and he asked the Lord to call him to walk on the water too, if it was really Him.  Jesus responded to Peter with an invitation to join Him in walking on water.  In stepping out of the boat, Peter challenged his limitations and comfort, choosing to trust Jesus to hold him up.  It was a miracle in itself, as people walk on solid ground not on water.  Peter dared to step out of the boat to walk like his Master and he made it until he looked down on the water, losing his focus on Jesus who had called him to walk on the water.  Just like we do often, Peter forgot that the power to walk on the water was coming only from his connection with Jesus.   

Beloved, I do not know what you might be facing requiring that you take a step out of your comfort zone, it may be a major step or it may be a minor one. We however have to realize that not all change is positive and so the need for wisdom to know where the call is coming from.  Like Peter, we first need to confirm who is calling us into this change, what voice are we listening to? Peter was not going to step out without the confirmation that the Master was calling him.  As believers, we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts and He is the one we need to check with.  He is our counsellor and helper (John 14:26).  When we take a move with the assurance of His help despite our feeble steps, then we know for sure that we shall succeed.  Prophet Isaiah reminds us that we will be led of God, that our ears will hear clear instructions where to turn, to the right or to the left (Isaiah 30:21).  Beloved, when we have heard from the Holy Spirit, we can like Peter step out even in the spaces that we know we cannot do by ourselves.  Our strength is in the Lord not in ourselves.  Once you have heard from the Lord, step out as boldly as you can, and let us leave the results to God. It is possible that the path you have been called to take is not what you had ever expected, but if the Holy Spirit has given you His counsel, step forward albeit afraid, He will strengthen your steps and light your path as only He can do. Hold on to the encouragement that His word will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105).  He will guide you a step at a time, just keep taking the step following His light. 


What changes are calling on your life?

What counsel have you sought?

What choice are you making and why?

When did you last step out afraid?


Exalt His Name


Honour Others