Declare It
…many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue
(John 12:42, NKJV)
Few people are unconcerned about what others around them feel or say. Most people are sensitive to the thinking and perceptions of others so much so that they fail to do what they would wish to do, or say what they wish to say lest they fall out with the friends. Belonging is an important need for all of us and we pursue it consciously or unconsciously. I recently heard a university professor speak of the difference between belonging and fitting in. To many of us, the two terminologies mean the same thing but from the conversation, belonging is acceptance of an individual unconditionally while fitting in is conditional, usually calling on us to give up something about ourselves so that we can be accepted in the group, we seek to fit in at the expense of who we would freely want to be, say or do. This presents food for thought as we individually consider where we actually belong and where we are fitting in.
Our reference verse gives us a peak into the times of Jesus on earth and I believe it also applies to our lives today. The people believed in Jesus but they could not declare it openly for they feared the consequences. The pharisees who were custodians of the law considered that believing in Jesus was contrary to their teachings. For the desire to fit in and remain as part of those welcomed in the synagogues, many could not express their faith freely. The continuing verse says that the individuals loved the praise of men more than the praise of God (John 12:43). Beloved, nothing has changed over the years, the same happens in our day and I confess that there have been times when I have hesitated to declare my faith because of unfounded fear of how others around me would take it. In our world today, having a faith in God is in most places seen as primitive and no one wants to be seen as such. Here is the challenge of our confession. Jesus told us that He will confess or identify before His Father, anyone who confesses Him before men (Luke 12:8). There appears to be a prerequisite for Jesus to acknowledge us before the Father, we must also be willing to acknowledge Him before men, it is a reciprocal relationship. God takes our confession of faith seriously, we are saved by confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9). Following our faith confession others get to hear of God’s saving grace, that means that our silence denies them the opportunity to hear of salvation for how can they believe in Him whom they have not heard about (Romans 10:14). God is waiting on us to tell others about His love for them.
Beloved, we therefore cannot be silent about our faith. At times it takes the difference in our character to get others interested in knowing us deeper and this becomes an opportunity to share our faith. It is not shouting at the roof tops about our faith that will change the world around us, but it is our character which will draw them to the Saviour, for faith without action is dead (James 2:17). The most impactful declaration of our faith is in our works. This is what makes others believe in our Lord for they have seen how we carry ourselves and how He carries us through life situations. Our works become an undeniable light in our dark world which when seen by others brings glory to the Father (Matthew 5:16). Apostle Peter reminds us to always be prepared to tell and share of the hope that is in us, Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:15). As we seek to declare our faith to the world, may we lean on the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom on how to do it. If we go on our own, we will be frustrated but when we let the Holy Spirit lay the ground for the message, then we shall be encouraged and strengthened to speak hope and love to a broken world. Apostle Paul before the Sanhedrin declared, that he could not but speak of what he had witnessed (Acts 4:20). This my brethren is the boldness that we need, for we cannot deny what we know just to fit in with others. We know where we belong - with and in Christ Jesus and that gives us the confidence to declare our faith. We cannot do less than the early church, we have been trusted to keep the fire of the gospel burning. Step out and do your part by word and deed.
Where are you compromising to fit in?
What has been the impact of your faith declaration?
When will be the best time to share your faith?