In the Light

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

(Ephesians 5:8, NKJV)

We at times get too familiar with something that it loses value in our eyes.  The fact that the sun gives us light each day, we tend to take light for granted until we are in darkness.  Light and darkness are reflected as either or in any situation, so that they do not co-exist.  It is explained that light is not the absence of darkness, but darkness is the absence of light.  At the beginning during creation, we read that God spoke that there would be light and there was light.  God then separated the light from the darkness, calling light day and darkness night (Genesis 1:3-5).  God is the source of light and only those that link up with Him find light.  Light is found in God and nowhere else. 

 Our reference verse reminds us that before we believed in Jesus Christ, when we lived in sin, we were according to the word of God living in darkness.  In our eyes and the eyes of others, we did not seem to be in darkness but the truth according to God is that our spirits were in darkness.  Glory be to God that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God has brought us out of darkness into His light.  Apostle Peter tells us that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood called to proclaim the mighty acts of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).  God’s light does not negotiate with darkness for He does not dwell where there is darkness, we read that He lives in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16), a light which is beyond our comprehension, unapproachable by those in darkness.  God in saving us seeks to bring us to where He is, to be in the light with Him.

 Jesus in speaking to those who will follow Him told them, that they are light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16).  Having found His light, the light reflects on us too and we become the light of the world, the light that others see and no wonder the bible tells us that our light cannot be hidden.  Isaiah wrote that we should arise and shine, for we have received the light of God (Isaiah 60:1). The light of God is powerful and circumstance changing.  The resurrection of Jesus was a burst of light into the world and as His followers, we are encouraged that the very Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us too (Romans 6:10-11), we are fully empowered to live according to the light we have received. 

 Our lives must show fruits of the light in our lives, seen by our actions.  The fruit of God’s light in our lives brings goodness, righteousness and truth.  Beloved when we live in the light effectively, others are drawn to our God.  The charge to believers is that having received the light of God, they in turn become the light in their dealings and interactions with others.  God’s light does not negotiate with darkness, it breaks all principalities and powers, the past, present and future to establish the believer in God’s purpose and destiny.  The bible tells us that light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it (John 1:5).  May we embrace the light of God, His word is a light on our paths (Psalm 119:105).  Brethren let us lean into the light that we may live according to the gift of God that we have been entrusted with.



Are you living in the light of God?

How bright is the light in your life?

What fruits is your light bearing in your life and others near you?


Rested despite trials


Truth is a Person