Nature Lessons
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.
(Psalm 19:1-2, NKJV)
Most of our time is spent in four walled rooms, confined to the space we see, spend hours from morning to evening looking at our limited surroundings and with little thought of what is outside the rooms. With improved technology, it is possible for one to spend days without leaving the comfort of their houses and still be satisfied with what his life. This confined living and concrete jungle limits our view of the world and nature, making our experience narrow, as our world seems to be closing in to just the space where we are operating in. Beloved, as I reflected on today’s verse, I sensed the reminder to look up and outside the confines of the rooms that we have perfected as our complete space. Yes, I know we might not always go outside but we can look out of the window and get a different view, get to see what God could be doing in His creation. There is something hidden in nature and medical research tells us of the healing benefits of nature, taking walks in the parks and listening to water flowing softly and soothingly, the beauty of mountains high and mighty, not to mention the variety of flowers and trees that make us happy. When we think of nature as set by the Creator, we can only attest to His majesty and greatness, not to mention that all this was brought into being by His word alone, the creative God.
Our reference verse calls us to go deeper in our reflection and appreciation of nature, it tells us that nature speaks and reveals knowledge. This is not human knowledge as our minds conceive it, but the knowledge and wisdom of God. God in His care for His children, continues to speak through His creation using different elements. Nature is rarely affected by the things that disturb us and unfortunately, it is man who interferes with nature seeking to change God’s set cycles. Today, we are hearing and seeing references to climate change and we need at times to ask ourselves, what our part in this phenomenon has been. Scientists have told us that it is man’s activities over decades which have destabilized the established flow of nature. God’s word tells us that as long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, summer and winter, day and night will never cease (Genesis 8:22). This is the promise of God to His people and nature is compelled to keep to the promise of its creator though unfortunately, we in our misconceived wisdom have tampered with the cycles that God set. The climate change disasters we are watching, are nature talking back to us.
Nature uninterrupted magnifies the creator and worships Him alone. There is a study which shows that man could hear sounds from nature, albeit at a frequency that many of us have lost sensitivity to. The Psalmist says that there is no speech or language where the voice of nature is not heard (Psalm19:3) Beloved, nature is faithful to forever do what it was created to do, to worship the Master and speak of His splendor. It does not a struggle to do what it was made to do. Here are lessons that we can learn too, seeking to do what we were created to. We too were created for the primary purpose of worshipping God, to declare His praise (Isaiah 43:21). God in His mercies desires that we are responsive to Him but unfortunately, we tend to contend with His will for us so that we create our own rules. Our peace and fulfillment in life will come from doing His bidding, meditating on His love and finding our rest in trusting Him. Prophet Jeremiah compares our trusting in the Lord to a tree planted by the water and its leaves are forever green (Jeremiah 17:7-8). Nature is a good place for us to learn from, even as we confess God’s strength in our lives.
What lesson is your surrounding teaching you?
How have you impacted the voice of your surrounding?
What are your reflections of our reference verse?
How are you keeping in tune with God’s purpose for you?