By Your Faith

….According to your faith let it be to you. (Matthew 9:29, NKJV)

Faith is a common topic in the word of God and in our spiritual walk. Indeed, believing and living a life led by the Holy Spirit is all by faith.  Paul tells us that faith is a substance of what we hope for and an assurance of what we are yet to see (Hebrews 11:1).  Faith for believers is not just an emotion or a wish but a power which moves us to action.  We are also reminded that faith is the channel through which we please God (Hebrews 11:6).  When God is relating with us He is looking at our faith and no wonder there is a lot written on faith in different parts of the bible.

In the ninth chapter of the gospel of Matthew, there is a record of many miracles that Jesus performed, in keeping with the words that wherever Jesus went, He did good as God had anointed Him to do (Acts 10:38).  The record of these miracles testifies to this anointing even as He did it in His own town where He had grown up.  The recording suggests to us that anyone who went to Jesus for help, got it, all they needed to do was to ask and He answered their prayers meeting their needs.  However, it is in the middle of this busy miracle working chapter, that we find our reference verse.  Jesus asked two people who had followed Him if they believed that He would open their eyes, to which they responded in the affirmative.  Jesus then responded with our reference verse, that what would be done to them would be according to their faith. 

Reflecting on the power of God demonstrated through the miracles that Jesus was doing, the verse above threw in a turn - Jesus stated that what they would receive was based on their faith.  The individual seeking the miracle had a responsibility too, and that was to have faith.  Jesus told them that they would only receive according to their faith.  A deeper pondering highlighted not only the power of having faith but also the measure of faith.  We learn from Paul that each believer has been given a measure of faith (Romans 12:3), confirming that God has given us a foundation of faith in Him.  This measure of faith is what He works with as we present it to Him in our prayers and in our expectations. God will work only to the measure of our faith, the more faith we have in God the more He manifests His power in our lives. 

While God has given us faith, He also expects us to build up our faith so that we increase in believing.  Beloved, it is our duty to develop our faith through the word of God, for faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).  Our relationship with God is strengthened as we read and meditate on His word, and while we do this, our faith grows, so that the faith measure we present to God for His miraculous working and for victory in our lives is strong. For God to move in our lives, the ingredient He is looking for is our faith, and the greater the faith the greater the manifestation of His power.  Could it be that our small measure of faith is what has hindered the power of God from meeting our expectations?  It is not only for God to perform in power, but we also have a part to play as stated in His word.  We will receive revelation and victory in our lives to the measure of our faith.  No wonder the apostles asked for an increase in their faith (Luke 17:5), it is time we did the same.



How is God’s faith operating in your life?

How well are you growing your faith?

Are there things you are believing for, which need greater faith?


Responsibility by Identity


Power of Acceptance