For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? 

(2 Samuel 22:32 NKJV)

One of the qualities of a rock is that it is solid and firm so that it does not easily change in texture.  While stones are at times referred to as rocks, one of the definitions of a rock is a big size stone which stands tall as a hill making it visible from a far.  In the land of the bible, there were many rocks which individuals used for protection and as landmarks for reference.  The bible has many references of rocks which marked the altars of God as memorials that the children of Israel used in their walk with God.  We also note that there is a permanency which comes to mind at the understanding of a rock, so that it acts as a source of surety and security.  

Brethren, I do not know about you, but I find that our day to day lives and business pull us into a variety of directions which often leave us feeling distraught and dislodged from our place of comfort.  Jesus, knowing what it is like to live on earth, prayed for His disciples and believers after Him that the Father would protect and keep them while they are in the world but not of the world (John 17:14-16).  In Jesus’ prayer, He knew that though He was leaving the world, His followers would still remain in a world which would not be friendly to them and they would face challenges keeping their faith.  This my beloved is our reality today, we are the followers of Jesus and we take comfort in the knowledge that our Lord Jesus not only knew what we are experiencing but also committed us into the hands of the Father. Our reference verse refers to our God as a rock, a very apt reminder that we need to take in and muse over. In the midst of all that we face, we have an anchor in God which keeps us secure.  David in his wilderness battles, referred to our God as his rock and fortress one who leads and guides him for His Name’s sake (Psalm 31:3), that beloved is our assurance too.  Our God not only secures and protects His own but also guides and leads so that His Name alone is glorified.  Jesus is referred to as the Rock that the builders rejected (1 Peter 2:6) and we are given the assurance that those who believe in Him will not face shame.  Regardless of what is happening around us, we can lean on this rock which remains our strength and never fails.

 Brothers and sisters, we have been called out to live for our Father and to show His glory despite what goes on around us.  When we face situations which threaten our hearts, let us be anchored by our reference verse, that there is no one like the Lord our God who is our rock.  Our rock is our strength and our protection, He is our Father who loves us faithfully, watching on us.  His word tells us that He continually scans the earth to see those who are committed to Him, so that He (God) can show Himself strong on their behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9).  Dear ones, God is all set to secure us and has promised to show Himself strong on our behalf.  All He requires is that we are faithful and loyal to Him alone.  In the issues of life, we can run to God our rock and live in His rest, protection and hope.  He will hide us in the cleft of His rock.  To whom else would we compare our God, He is all in all and He is for us.



Where is your refuge?

 How have you experienced God as your strength in battle?

 How has God shown Himself up on your behalf?

 Do you have a need to change your relationship with the Rock?


His Friends
